Talks and Presentations
Conference talks
- Disconnection rules are complete for chemical reactions. International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing, Asian Institute of Technology (2024). Slides
- Disconnection rules are complete for chemical reactions. Applied Category Theory, University of Oxford (2024). Recording
- A categorical approach to synthetic chemistry. International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing, Universidad de Ingeniería y Tecnología (2023).
- Quantum quirks, classical contexts: Towards a Bohrification of effect algebras. Tenth Symposium on Compositional Structures, University of Edinburgh (2022). Slides
- String diagrams for layered explanations. Applied Category Theory, University of Strathclyde (2022). Recording Slides
- There and back again: A circuit extraction tale. Quantum Physics and Logic (2020). Recording Slides
Selected seminar talks
- Everything You Always Wanted to Formalise About Chemistry (But Were Afraid of the Reaction). PPLV Seminar, University College London (2024).
- Towards functorial chemistry: completeness and universality for reaction representation. University of Birmingham theoretical computer science seminar (2024). Abstract
- String diagrams for layered structures. First Meeting of the Southern Logic Seminar, University of Bath (2023).
- String diagrams for layered structures. ILLC LLAMA Seminar, University of Amsterdam (2023). Slides
- Partition functor for effect algebras. Pure Mathematics Seminar, University of East Anglia (2022). Slides
- Partition functor for effect algebras: a model of quantum measurements PPLV Seminar, University College London (2021). Slides
- Sheaves and étale bundles. MSc Mathematics student seminar, University of Amsterdam (2019). Notes
- A categorical approach to synthetic chemistry. Applied Category Theory, University of Maryland (2023).
Talks for the general audience
- Квантовая механика и картина мира. (Quantum mechanics and the worldview, in Russian). Art-Master, Jyväskylä. 6 April 2024. Slides
- Мечта о мыслящей машине: история идей, приведших к возникновению компьютера. (Dream of a Thinking Machine: History of Ideas that Lead to the Emergence of Computing, in Russian). Art-Master, Jyväskylä. 31 October 2021. Recording Slides