The main purpose of this website is to contain my CV, which you can find here. Nothing too exciting to be expected here.

Academic stuff

Currently, I'm a PhD student in the Programming Principles, Logic and Verification research group at the University College London.

I have a master's degree in logic from the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation in Amsterdam, where I did the Logic and Mathematics track. My MSc thesis can be found at the ILLC website:
Quantum quirks, classical contexts: Towards a Bohrification of effect algebras;
it was co-supervised by Chris Heunen and Nick Bezhanishvili.

I have an undergraduate degree in mathematics from the University of Edinburgh; my BSc project can be found here:
Sheaves on Topological Spaces and their Logic (as submitted for assessment),
and it was supervised by Tom Leinster.

Other projects and mathematical writing:

Reading project in point-free topology, 2019-20.
Project on path categories and weak ω-groupoids, 2019-20.
The Category of Hilbert Spaces as an Orthogonal Category, together with a series of blog posts on quantum logic:, 2017.

Talk recordings

There and back again: A circuit extraction tale. Presented at the 17th International Conference on Quantum Physics and Logic (QPL) 2020.
Мечта о мыслящей машине: история идей, приведших к возникновению компьютера. Dream of a Thinking Machine: History of Ideas that Lead to the Emergence of Computing (in Russian). Presented at Art-Master, a Russian culture centre in Jyväskylä, on 31st October 2021.
String diagrams for layered explanations. Presented at the 5th International Conference on Applied Category Theory (ACT) 2022, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland.


Occasionally, I write for the sake of writing (and thinking). Some of the outcomes of this peculiar process can be found here:

My essay was published in the second issue of the University of Edinburgh Philosophy Society Journal:
Statistical Hypothesis Testing in the Context of Hume’s Critique of Induction.

Other projects

The Indispensables Co.
Photo challenge game (rules) created together with Elisa Leppänen (who also put these rules together).

Things I follow or recommend

The n-Category Café
Edinburgh SocieTea